Taftville, Connecticut Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the population and steets of Taftville City, Rhode Island, you've come to the right place. The map below displays the city's racial diversity. Each shade represents the self-identified racial majority, and the higher the shade, the larger the majority. You can also find data on racial diversity scores.

While Taftville City is considered a suburb of New London, Connecticut, it is located within the state of Connecticut. The surrounding cities of Bridgeport, New Haven, and Hartford are also within twenty-one miles of the city. The proximity to these large cities can help you book flights between them and Taftville, CT. However, the smaller towns can be useful if you're on a road trip.

Although crime rates in Taftville are lower than those of surrounding cities, they do still differ from each other. For instance, the rate of assault in the southeast part of the city is almost half that of the city's northwest section. In contrast, the rate of assault is higher than in east Taftville. The difference is mostly due to population density and the number of retail establishments in the area.

The population of Taftville is comprised of mostly white people. The percentage of middle aged adults is a little above average, and the population of children under the age of eighteen is extremely large. The percentage of vacant homes is slightly below average. Taftville City, CT has a population of 79,776. If you're looking for a home in this town, it's best to check out the housing market.