West Mystic, Connecticut Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In the United States, most people commute for 15 minutes or less to work in West Mystic. That is less than half the time most Americans spend on their daily commute. The population of West Mystic City is composed of both working and non-working individuals. As of 2015, 44.7% of the city's workforce is employed. The rest of the city's working population is employed in sales and service occupations, and the remaining percentage is employed in manufacturing.

Mystic City's population is comprised of both single and married couples. The majority of households in the city are headed by married couples. But, there are also households with male or female heads of household who are alone and are 50 years of age and older. Overall, the city has a relatively high proportion of households headed by a single person. This percentage increases when compared to other towns in the region.

Poverty rates in Mystic City are relatively low. While the overall poverty rate for this city is lower than other neighborhoods, White people make up the majority of the population. The city is home to the highest percentage of non-citizens in America, and only 7.5% of non-citizens are considered impoverished. However, non-citizens, including international students, temporary workers, humanitarian migrants, and illegal immigrants, are also included in the poverty rate in the city.

The West Mystic neighborhood is a diverse place, with an impressive mix of languages. English is the language of choice in many households, but Polish and Spanish are also commonly spoken. However, there are also several ethnic groups represented in the neighborhood. This means that there are many people of mixed ancestry in West Mystic. If you're interested in learning more about the area, check out the demographics of the neighborhood.