West Simsbury, Connecticut Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In West Simsbury City, Connecticut, the population is approximately 1,089 people. This figure does not include those who live at home. In addition, there are also those who do not attend school. This means that those who do attend school do so in a private school. Although there is no legal requirement to attend school, home schoolers are instructed to find one that suits their needs. The study does not include preschool programs. Since preschool programs are not mandated, the data for preschoolers in West Simsbury, CT is limited.

The crime rate in West Simsbury is low when compared to surrounding areas. The city's southwest neighborhood has higher crime rates than its north area. However, the north and west parts of the city have lower crime rates. This is due to the fact that there are more businesses in the southwest part of the city. As a result, crime rates in the southeast and east parts of the city are lower than those in the north and southwest.

The area has good schools, and residents tend to be college educated. It also has a high homeownership rate, with almost 75% of homes being single family homes. While the area is not perfect or has a crowded nightlife, it's a very solid community with many family-friendly features. When it comes to finding a place to call home, Simsbury is a great place to look.