Bellefonte, Delaware Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This population and steets data for Bellefonte City, Pennsylvania is compiled from numerous sources. The most reliable sources are from the United States Census Bureau. The most up-to-date data are available at the link below. These numbers are updated regularly. For a more detailed breakdown, see the Bellefonte City, Pennsylvania, Population & Steets report.

The name Bellefonte comes from French, which combines the words beautiful and font. The word font means melting, as an iron furnace was once located in the town. Although the city's population grew rapidly, some original dwellings can still be found along Route 5. Some of these buildings have been converted to upscale residential properties. The original town's layout includes a square with a central intersection, and early Georgian style houses are close to the streets.

The median household income in Bellefonte, PA is $56,250, compared with $65,712 for females. This represents an inequality of 0.469 in Bellefonte, PA compared to the rest of the country. The majority of residents in Bellefonte are White (Non-Hispanic) and earn an average of $56,250 annually. These figures are higher than the national and Pennsylvania median income of $52,851.

The percentage of population living below the poverty line in Bellefonte, PA is 10.4%. Compared to the national average of 64.1%, the city's poverty rate is lower. In fact, the population of Bellefonte, PA has a lower poverty rate than other nearby cities, making this area more economically stable. Moreover, the number of people who live in the city is higher than that of those in other areas of Pennsylvania.