Before moving to a new city, it's important to know what Bethel City looks like, as well as surrounding areas. There are many resources available to help you make informed decisions. Below, you'll find information on the city's weather, population and steets. We also compare Bethel City to the rest of Pennsylvania. And finally, we look at the average costs of living and crime rates.
Despite its small size, Bethel is a popular vacation spot for the boating crowd. In fact, more households have boats than cars. While it's possible to reach other destinations in Alaska by plane or car, boating and dog sledding are also convenient. The people of Bethel seem to love their small town, so the city's small population shouldn't worry about transportation.
Regardless of the size of the city, Bethel has an average rent burden of 34.7%, which is higher than the state average of 30.3%. The rent burden of nearby cities like Gatesville and Rocky Mount is higher, at 35.0% and 34.9%, respectively. Also, 39.5% of homes in Bethel are occupied by renters, which is higher than the national average.
The median age of all residents of Bethel, CT was 42.5 in 2019, and the median age for native and foreign-born residents was 39 years old. The average age for all Bethel residents was 43 in 2018, and the percentage of foreign-born citizens was 5.5% higher than that of residents of other states. While the majority of Bethel residents commute alone, the average time to work was 27 minutes. The median property value of the city was $295,600 in 2019.