The population of Harbeson city, DE is approximately 4,105 people. The majority of the population is white, with 12.4% of people being black. The city also has a small Hispanic population of 2.9%. The city's median household income is $46,278 and the average household income is $53,300. This means that you can expect your target audience to be a mix of various races, and you can use this information to target your marketing efforts.
Crime rates in Harbeson City are low when compared to the average crime rate of surrounding cities. However, it is important to note that crime rates in the southeast part of the city are higher than those in the west. This is because most crime occurs around retail areas, so red areas don't necessarily mean that the area is safer than the rest of the city.
This city is part of the Salisbury metro area and is primarily in Sussex County. Its official USPS zip code is HARBESON, Delaware. The zip code is 302 and the area code is 951. It is considered to be a Lower Middle Class zipcode. It has an unemployment rate of 4.0%, which is slightly higher than the national and state unemployment rates.