Marshallton, Delaware Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To understand the population of a city, it helps to look at a map. A map can show you how many streets are in the area, the density of population, and where businesses and residential buildings are located. If you're interested in learning more about Marshalltown, Iowa, read on for more information. The following are some of the demographic statistics for the Marshallton area. You can also use a map to determine whether a city is rural or urban.

The official USPS name for this city is MARSHALLTOWN, Iowa. The zip code encompasses parts of Marshalltown, Le Grand, Ferguson, and Albion, Iowa. In 1870, the population of Marshallton was 3,218. It was founded by Henry Anson in 1851. It is still possible to see the original log cabin at 112 West Main Street.

A comparison of incomes for the city's different demographics can show which areas are more affordable for the average family. Marshalltown has a lower poverty rate than other cities in Iowa, with a rent burden of only 19.3% compared to 24.1% in Brooklyn. However, the median gross rent is $643 per month, which makes the area attractive for low-income residents. There are also low unemployment rates in Marshallton City.

A list of the largest cities near Marshallton City can provide you with more details about this community. These cities will typically have major airports. Alternatively, you can use the list to determine which city is the closest to Marshalltown. You may also want to explore nearby towns for more local flavor. In Marshallton City, IA, the nearest major cities are listed below. These cities are located within a couple hours of the city.