Archer, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in the Population & Steets of Archer City? This article will give you a quick overview of the local demographics. Located in the state of Texas, Archer City has a population of approximately 1,844 people. Over 97% of the residents are U.S. citizens, and 3.75% are foreign born. Below are the most recent statistics and other pertinent information about the city.

The first oil well in the county was discovered in March 1912. The production of oil continued to be small until the 1970s. The city eventually developed into a small, nondescript town with two railroads and a population of about 825. In 1884, Archer City's population was estimated to be 150. The city's main business was county administration, and cotton was the primary shipped commodity. However, the railroad hadn't arrived until that year.

While the city is small, it is growing rapidly. The population is spread out across many sectors. Children account for 7.5% of the population, while adults comprise 27.7% of the population. The majority of households are married couples. Women comprise 8.4% of the population, while men make up 30.8%. Senior citizens comprise 14.6% of the population. Archer City has a median age of 39 years.

In 2017, the Archer City population was 893 people. The area's population density was 0.6 square miles, which is above the state's average. There are nine major racial and ethnic groups in the area. Eighty-six percent of the population is white, and only four percent is Hispanic. The median household income is $39,583. The local population is primarily comprised of families with income below the poverty line. The city's unemployment rate is 1.1%, and the area's median household income is $39,583 per year.