Aripeka, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in learning more about the Population & Steets in Aripetka City? In this article, you'll discover information about Aripeka's history and present population. Also, we'll explore some of the town's most notable residents and landmarks. After all, the town's first name was Gulf Key. Eventually, the town changed its name to honor a Miccosukee chief. In 1873, Babe Ruth visited the town and the old shack was known as the "Babe Ruth cabin." In addition, the city's oldest residents include legislators Corwin Pearl Littell and Orville and Wilbur Wright.

The population of Aripeka is low in areas near parks and major airports. Few residents in Aripeka live near these areas, so the crime rate may look higher than it really is. However, crime happens wherever people are. This means that crime rates are lower in these areas than in other parts of the city. This is a good sign for residents looking to purchase real estate in the city.

The racial makeup of Aripeka varies. The majority of residents are white. The minority population is Hispanic. The city is home to 0.0% Hispanics. The remaining 1% is made up of people of any race and ethnicity. Hispanics comprise the lowest percentage of the population, whereas non-Hispanic whites are among the highest. Nonetheless, it's important to note that the majority of people in Aripeka are Protestant, despite its minorities.