Auburndale, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Auburndale City? What is the growth rate? How does the city compare to other cities in Florida? Find out by checking out the latest population and steets data. You will be surprised to know that this city is less than half the size of Florida's largest city. It has a population of 13,507 people, and 4,933 households.

This mid-sized city is about 25 miles inland from Tampa Bay. Its most comfortable months are November, April, and March, while its wettest months are July and August. In addition to being located near Lakeland, Auburndale is also close to Winter Haven, another fast-growing city in Florida. This city's population has increased by 11.7% since the year 2000. However, its growth is expected to continue, as more people seek the warmer climate of Florida.

If you are buying a house, consider the neighborhood's atmosphere and amenities. Do houses look alike? Do they have ample parking spaces? Do the neighbors have garages? Do they care about the neighborhood? These are all factors to consider before buying a house in Auburndale. You can also consider the number of restaurants and grocery stores in the area. If there are no nearby dining options or grocery stores, you may not want to move there.

The City of Auburndale is 11.1 miles from the center. Auburndale is home to the First Presbyterian Church of Auburndale. The population density is 3.060 people per square mile. If you want to know more about this city, consider checking out the official website. A quick search will lead you to the most relevant data for your research. Just make sure to check out the latest statistics and crime data for the Auburndale area.