Belle Isle, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in knowing more about the population of Belle Isle City, FL, you may want to check out our population and steets information. This information can help you decide whether this city is right for you. Here are the most important facts about this city:

93% of the households in Belle Isle are owner-occupied. The average household size is 2.6. While this city may have a small population, many people choose it for its walkability and proximity to nature and open space. Below are the current statistics about the population and steets of Belle Isle, FL. Using the US Census Bureau's data is not a guarantee of its accuracy, so you should always verify the figures before using them.

The median property value in Belle Isle, FL is $321,700. This is more than one-third higher than the national average of $240,500. Homeownership is 93.1%, which is much higher than the national average of 64.9%. Despite the city's small size, people in Belle Isle, FL drive to work alone on average. There are five ethnic groups represented in Belle Isle, FL, including White, Hispanic, Asian, and Hispanic. In total, there are 7 races represented in Belle Isle.

Population and steets in Belle Isle is estimated at 7,032 at the next census. The city is part of the Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford Metropolitan Statistical Area. In 2009, Belle Isle established its own police department, taking over the local jurisdiction from the Orange County Sheriff. This change in government almost doubled the city's total number of employees. It is not clear how this will impact the area's economy, but it's still worth checking out.