Citrus Springs, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the population and steets in Citrus Springs, Florida, you have come to the right place. Here you'll find important information about the city. Take a look at the table below to get a general overview of the city. It's easy to navigate, too! You can use the buttons to move the map, zoom, and view detailed information. The map information is provided for your convenience only.

When deciding which neighborhood to live in, you should look beyond the average price. Consider the number of people living in the neighborhood. Houses in Citrus Springs should not look identical, and you should also check if there's a parking spot for your car. Garages may already be full, but a good neighborhood will have well-maintained properties. Take the time to look at the neighborhood's quality, as it may indicate whether your neighbors are desirable.

The median household income in Citrus Springs, FL is $49,057. It is growing at a 1.56% annual rate. The poverty rate in Citrus Springs is 6.54%. House prices in the city are $147,000 and median rent is $1094 per month. The median age in Citrus Springs is 44.4 years. The average family size is 3.3. This is on par with the Florida state average of 3.4.

The number of residents in Citrus Springs varies based on ethnicity. The majority of the people live in households where English is the only language spoken. Other common languages are Spanish and Polish. Overall, there is a population of 9,011 in Citrus Springs. The gender breakdown is roughly equal, with males outnumbering females. This is a normal percentage for Florida and the United States.