Clarcona, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will give you some insight into the population and steets of Clarcona City, FL. The poverty rate in Clarcona is less than the national average of 14.1%. Although the city's poverty rate is slightly lower than the national average, it is higher than the Florida average of 14.8%. The median household income in Clarcona, FL is $43,932 compared to the national average of $65,712.

The population of Clarcona is composed of 15.0% people of Hispanic origin. This means that Hispanics come from any race. The average household size is 3.3. As far as racial groups go, Clarcona has the lowest percentage of people of Hispanic heritage. As a whole, the city ranks fourth when it comes to families. The highest percentage of married couples is found in Paradise Heights, followed by Ocoee.

Although the number of immigrants is high in Clarcona, the country is still far behind. As a result, the city's population is mostly comprised of Americans. The city's population is composed of 61.1% white people, 12.3% black people, 5.4% Asians, 17.8% Hispanics, and 2.6% other races. In addition to the race and racial breakdown, Clarcona also has a diverse ancestry mix. The common ancestries in the city include American, Irish, German, Italian, and German. This is called the location quotient. This compares the percentage of non-citizens to the average age of residents in a Census-designated place.

The population of Clarcona is 2,990 people as of the 2010 census. It is an unincorporated city in Orange County and part of the Orlando-Kissimmee Metropolitan Statistical Area. In addition to its ZIP code, Clarcona has a default name. It is commonly referred to as Clarcona. The city is served by Orange Elementary School and Central Florida Regional Transit Authority buses. The nearest freeway is FL-414 Toll.