Cross City, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following article will give you a general idea of the Population & Steets in Cross Cities, Florida. It will also provide you with some interesting statistics. The overall population of Cross City is relatively low, with only 7.35% of residents possessing a four-year college degree. In 2018, the per capita income in Cross City was $17,055, which is low compared to the rest of the state and the nation. This is equivalent to $68,220 for a family of four. This city has a mix of rich and poor residents.

The quality of living in Cross City is determined by the proximity to amenities. The average household size in Cross City is 2.5 persons. The quality of life depends on a number of factors, including proximity to shops and parks. For example, if you are looking for a peaceful neighborhood, you might prefer a walkable city. The opposite is true if you prefer the quiet of a suburban area.

When searching for a flight to Cross City, Florida, use a major airport. Many big cities have major airports, so it may be helpful to search for flights to the closest one. Alternatively, you can search for a city four hours from Cross City, FL. Whether you are looking for a destination 100 miles away, it will be easier to find flights to nearby cities that offer great deals.