Cutler Bay, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The census data in Cutler Bay City, Florida, shows that 68% of the population lives in owner-occupied homes. Families are made up of an average of 3.4 members. While the number of people living in poverty varies from city to city, it is relatively low in Cutler Bay. White, Black, and Hispanic people are most likely to be below the poverty line. But if you're not sure whether Cutler Bay is for you, check out our list of facts about the city's population.

As of the 2010 Census, the population of Cutler Bay City was estimated to be 43,718. This is a slightly lower population than what was recorded in the 2010 census. However, it is still a larger population than the national average. In addition, the median age of all Cutler Bay, Florida residents was 37. The majority of residents in the city were born in Cuba. Other foreign-born residents of Cutler Bay were from Haiti, Colombia, and Guatemala.

The median household income of Cutler Bay is $19,847. Among those residents, 67.8% are employed. A majority of residents have a high school education. Forty-one percent have a bachelor's degree or more, and eight percent are graduates or professionals. With a low cost of living, Cutler Bay is an attractive option for people with low incomes.