Dona Vista, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Dona Vista City's population is spread out. The median age is 39. The population is predominantly White, with 7.3% of the population being Hispanic. There are also approximately 867 households with children under the age of 18. Most households are made up of two or more people. There is a high school graduation rate of 67%.

Public transportation could improve education, health, and economic development. In fact, over 80% of residents said that public transportation would improve their status. Priority uses of public transportation included attending doctor appointments, obtaining pharmaceuticals, regular medical treatments, shopping, attending classes, and visiting public libraries.

The median property value in Vista, CA was $503,500 in 2020. This is almost twice the national average of $229,800. In addition, the median home ownership rate was 49.6%, slightly lower than the national average of 64.4%. Furthermore, the median household income was about $73,163 in 2020.