Estero, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Regardless of your reasons for moving to Estero, it is important to know the livability score of the area you plan to live in. A livability score is an indicator of how well a city meets key metrics, including affordability, crime, employment, and housing, as well as amenities. Below are the livability scores of the neighborhoods in Estero. If you'd like to learn more about the area, read on.

The Estero area is experiencing unprecedented growth. There are plans for $61 million worth of new construction to be built in the area. In particular, the HOT properties are located along Corkscrew Road, east of Interstate 75. Corkscrew Road alone already has 3,072 homes under construction, and the development of Verdana Village will add another 2,400 homes. Luxury home designs are continuing to evolve and incorporate a "coastal" look.

The per capita income in Estero, FL was $53,678, which is high when compared to other areas of the United States. Among foreign-born residents, a family's income is $214,712, indicating a moderate level of income. Those in Estero City are comprised of a wide range of economic backgrounds, with Whites accounting for the highest percentage.

The median age in Estero City was 62.8%, with 11.8% of the population under 18. However, the percentage of foreign-born residents was above the state average. Additionally, there were 88 patent applications filed in Estero City in 2008-2022, which indicates a high demand for innovative products and services. If you're interested in moving to Estero City, check out the demographics of the area and see where you can buy a home.