Eustis, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Census Bureau has compiled statistics about the population and steets in Eustis City, Florida, and other nearby cities. The city has a total population of 21,328, or 2,035 per square mile. Its median age is 42.4, compared to 37.4 nationwide. Households in Eustis are 2.5, which is slightly lower than the average US household size of 2.6.

There are 8,443 residents who commute to work by car, but 58 residents prefer to walk or take the trolley bus. The population data was collected by the U.S. Census Bureau each year, and does not necessarily reflect actual population numbers. In fact, this information should not be considered reliable. It is not intended to replace the most accurate census data available. For more accurate statistics, consult the U.S. Census Bureau website.

The Census Bureau's poverty guidelines use money-income thresholds to determine if a family is considered to be poor. These thresholds are adjusted based on family size and composition. In Eustis, FL, the majority of people fall below the poverty line. The largest group of people living below the poverty line are Whites, followed by Blacks and Hispanics. In addition, the highest percentage of the population earns more than half of the minimum wage.

The census data for Eustis City, Florida, is based on a variety of sources. USPS uses several sources to determine the name of the city. It can be a city, town, village, or school. The zip code for Eustis City, FL, is D. The default name for each ZIP Code is D (Default). It is common for people to refer to the city by this name, but it may not be the official name.