Flagler Beach, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Whether you're planning a trip to Flagler Beach or you're just curious about the town's population, you can find the latest statistics on Flagler Beach City's population, including the number of households per square mile. You can customize your search to select a certain population level and specify whether the area is primarily residential or is home to several smaller neighborhoods. If you'd like to see the population data for a specific area, you can upgrade your account to access the complete data.

The median age of residents in Flagler Beach, FL was 59.6 in 2019 and included native-born people as well as foreign-born citizens. In 2018, the median age was 60. For the last 10 years, Cubans made up the largest percentage of foreign-born residents in Flagler Beach, FL, with ninety-six percent of residents hailing from the country. There were nearly three times as many men than women living in the city - and one woman in every 100 women.

The population of Flagler Beach is approximately 5,000. It is a small coastal town in Flagler County with three constituent neighborhoods. The population has been growing steadily since 1925, and is expected to grow to five thousand by 2020. The city was named after Henry Flagler, who built the railroad down the Florida coast. This coastal city became an important tourist destination, and is now home to some of the country's most famous vacation destinations.