Floral City, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Flora City, Florida? The population of Floral City, Florida is 4,919, according to the US CENSUS BUREAU. The median household income is $32,326, according to the US CENSUS BUREAU. Floral City is located at the 23 mile marker on the Withlacoochee State Trail, a 46 mile long rails-to-trails linear state park.

In terms of crime, Floral City has a lower crime rate than other Rural areas. The city also has a higher education ranking, based on factors such as public school graduation rates, enrollment rates, teacher to student ratios, and student reviews. However, this city is not known for its public transportation, which is often a deterrent for many people. If you are thinking about moving to Floral City, there are many advantages to consider.

The Floral City Public Library branch is located in the town center. The building is surrounded by the Masonic Lodge, Community House, and Heritage Museum. The library is run by the Citrus County Board of County Commissioners, and opened in May 2009. The library is part of a $1.5 million town center project and linear park on Orange Avenue. The library is a great place for residents to learn more about Floral City.

The percentage of people aged 17 and under living in Floral City is relatively low compared to neighboring neighborhoods. Floral City is also a good choice for people with children. Its children are also well-educated. Despite Floral City's low age profile, it has a high percentage of single parents. Its median income is around $63,600. A higher median income earns less than half of Floral City's median income.