Ft Lauderdale, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Ft. Lauderdale is fairly even spread out and the age distribution is varied. While 17.6% of the population was under 18, a similar proportion were between the ages of 18 and 24 and 28.4% were from the age range of 25 to 44. About thirty percent of the population were married couples, and the remaining number were either single, unmarried, or non-families. The average household size was two and a half people, with a ratio of 111.8 males per 100 females.

Fort Lauderdale's LGBT community is very visible. The ratio of gay men to lesbians in Fort Lauderdale is high, making it a popular vacation destination for gay people. There are several LGBT centers in the city, including the Stonewall Library and Archives. It also hosts the World AIDS Museum, a center for the LGBT community. The first openly gay mayor of Fort Lauderdale is Dean Trantalis.

Fort Lauderdale is named after the Second Seminole War fortification, built on the banks of the New River in 1838. In this battle, the Tennessee Volunteers led by Major William Lauderdale captured the Seminole agricultural lands and battled the Indians. Major William Lauderdale is credited with the name of three forts he built in the area, the first one located at the fork of the New River. The second fort was at Tarpon Bend. The third and largest was at the site of Bahia Mar.