Glen Saint Mary, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Demographics are an important factor for a variety of purposes. For example, they can be used in sales catchment areas, relocation and business planning, and for job search research. This data is also valuable for travelers who are considering moving to the area. Moreover, it can help you find out which areas are best for living or working.

Glen Saint Mary is a small city in Florida that has a population of 437 as of the 2010 census. Its population is expected to reach 467 by 2020. It is a part of Baker County, FL. For more details on Glen Saint Mary, Florida, you can check the city's official website.

Glen Saint Mary, FL has a zip code of 32040. This ZIP code is in Baker County. Its official USPS designation is "Glen Saint Mary, Florida." However, the city's full name can be GLEN SAINT MARY. The ZIP Code also includes a town, a village, and a school. USPS uses D as the default name, as most people in the area will refer to the city by this default name.

Glen Saint Mary City has two police departments: Glen Saint Mary City and St. Marys. Both are full-service and serve the city's 21,000-plus residents. The city's police department has two deputy sheriffs and several other staff members.