Grandin, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Grandin City, Missouri, is just under 1,300 people. The city is located in Carter County, Missouri. The United States Postal Service assigns ZIP codes to communities, so Grandin has the same name as several other communities. Grandin's ZIP code is D (Default) Carter. The USPS uses this name to indicate that it is the preferred location for a ZIP code.

The median age of the population was 37.6 years, with 27.3% of the population being under the age of 18. Twenty-four percent of the population was between the ages of 18-24, while 22.3% were between the ages of 25-44. Twenty-seven percent of households were made up of non-families, while 7.7% were comprised of senior citizens. Males outnumbered females by a ratio of 105.2 to one, and the average household size was 2.57.

The highest-paying occupations in Grandin, MO are management and transportation. The median income for these occupations is $49,220. The Missouri GINI (Gross Income Index) is 0.461, indicating that income is more evenly distributed in Grandin than in the rest of the United States. In Grandin, MO, the most common occupations are construction, health care & social assistance, and management. These occupations pay 48333 a year, on average.

The largest neighborhood in Grandin City is Grandin Court. The neighborhood is home to approximately 2,463 people, who live in 1,212 houses. In Grandin Court, the "average" family has a female member, aged 36, and a male age of 41. The median household income is $44,000, which is higher than the average for the city. The population of Grandin is approximately three-fourths registered to vote.