Hialeah Gardens, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for a new place to live, the first thing you should do is find out the population and steets of Hialeah Gardens City. The city has a mix of residential and industrial areas, and the residents tend to be busy and friendly. There are pockets of beauty in the area, but there's also a lot of traffic. The streets are narrow and cars are everywhere, and traffic jams can be seen at train crossings. This Miami-Dade County city is considered to be an underdog in the revitalization process, and yet it's poised for growth.

The median age in Hialeah Gardens, FL is 42.5. This number includes native-born residents and those who were born overseas. This number is significantly lower than the national average of 93.4%, and is lower than that of many of its neighboring geographies. In Hialeah Gardens, FL, 12.5% of residents are below the poverty line. Of this group, 10.6% are children and a full 65% of residents are employed.

The median income of Hialeah Gardens, FL households is $23,492. The highest percentage is 2 cars, followed by a false number of 0.372%. In addition, the city's poverty rate is determined by race. Hispanics are the most poor among all races in Hialeah Gardens, with whites making up the second-highest percentage, with 1,622 people.