Holiday, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Holiday City, OH, United States is approximately 383,899 people. It is one of the top 50 most populated places in the U.S., and is comprised of 0% Hispanics. The area's poverty rate is 0.00% among full-time workers, 0.00% among part-time workers, and 0% of the population is considered unemployed. The median age of the population in Holiday City is 35 years old, and the population is predominantly male.

The population of Holiday City, Ohio is about 52, according to the 2010 U.S. Census. The area's economy is supported by a number of small businesses. As of 2010, there were 35,000 businesses in Holiday City, which made it the 9th most populous city in Williams County. The city's median household income was $41,875 in 2010.

The median home value in Holiday City at Silverton / Holiday City is $185,344 and represents the highest concentration of small homes in the United States. In addition, the median rent in this area is $1,925, lower than 75.2% of the state's other neighborhoods. If you're looking to buy a home in Holiday City at Silverton, you may be surprised to learn that the median price is nearly double what the average price is in neighboring Toms River.

The median property value in Holiday City-Berkeley, NJ was $161,600 in 2019. This was an increase of over $2,000 since the previous year. This community's homeownership rate is 90.2% and commute time is 31.2 minutes. The median home value in Holiday City-Berkeley, NJ is the same as the national average. There are approximately two cars per household, which is the same as the state's average.