Juno Beach, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Juno Beach, FL is approximately 3,608 people. It has a median household income of $83,125 and a median age of 66.4. The median age is higher than the US average of 37.4. There are approximately 1.7 households per thousand people. Approximately 0% of residents do not speak English at home. The median household income was $83,125 in 2019.

The main employment sectors in Juno Beach are sales and related occupations. It has a population of 3,644 full-time residents, compared to an estimated seven-thousand part-time residents. A majority of people living in the area are occupied by sales and related jobs. Residents are employed in business services, real estate and rental & leasing, and education. There are also numerous small businesses in the area.

The town of Juno Beach is not a subdivision of a county and is listed under the C1 census class code. Its Functional Status Code is "A." Florida is one of 20 states that use Census County Divisions (CCDs) to track subdivisions within counties. Juno Beach is located within the Riviera Beach CCD in Palm-Beach County. Compared to the Florida average, the town has a lower percentage of foreign-born residents than the state average. Despite the low percentage of foreign-born residents, it has a relatively high median house value and lower unemployment rate. In addition, there are about 20 college students per thousand residents.

The center of each of these cities is within twenty-four miles of Juno Beach, FL. These cities are useful for flights between airports. Smaller towns are convenient for road trips. The following list provides information on each school in the city: its name, address, and zip code. You can also find the address of the school by visiting the Juno Beach Public Schools page. If you plan to travel from one of these cities, make sure you use the ZIP Code of the city to find the school closest to your destination.