Kathleen, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Kathleen is estimated at approximately 5,659 people. There are approximately 2,808 males and 2,851 females. The median age is 36.4 years, and there are approximately 1,596 births and 761 deaths each year. The city has an ethnic mix of people of different races. About 5,606 people in Kathleen are one race, while there are 53 people of different races. The city is home to over 20 percent minorities.

One measure of educational attainment is the number of people in a particular age group who are college-educated. While this measurement is often used to measure the age of college-educated people, it is important to remember that not every person in the city has a four-year degree. Many people in Kathleen are not even college-educated. In fact, the average resident of Kathleen has no higher education than a high school senior.

In terms of race, the residents of Kathleen, FL are mostly White (non-Hispanic). The percentage of Hispanic and Black citizens is slightly higher than the national average. The majority of the residents are also non-Hispanic, with a median income of $110,000. The median car ownership in Kathleen is 2 cars per household, which is similar to the national average. So, while Kathleen is a relatively affluent town, many people in it are still struggling.