Lk Panasoffke, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What Are the Demographics of Lk Panasoffke City? Here's a look. Lake Panasoffkee has an estimated population of 3,759 people and a density of 948 people per square mile. Its median age is 56.6, compared to 37.4 in the US. The median household size is 2.1, compared to 2.5 in the US.

Lake Panasoffkee, FL has a slightly lower high school graduation rate than the national average, but slightly more people attended college. Lake Panasoffkee is part of the Sumter School District. The city is served by one elementary school and one high school. It has an unemployment rate of 3.4%. There are several other schools in the area, including Lake Panasoffkee Elementary School, which is located at 401 W. Lake Panasoffkee Road.