Medley, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When evaluating your target audience, demographic data can help you make a more informed decision. If you have an idea of the demographic makeup of Medley, you can consider the median household income and the percentage of home owners. Also, you can find out whether people in Medley commute by car, bicycle, or foot. The US Census Bureau publishes this data every year, but does not guarantee its accuracy.

Approximately 60% of the population in Medley is college educated. Another 30% holds a professional, graduate, or doctorate degree. Most residents work in one of three job categories. The service industry accounts for 19% of all jobs in Medley, while 42% work in blue-collar jobs and the other 40% are in white-collar roles. The median home value in Medley is $42,300.

The USPS designates Medley as an "Acceptable" city. The ZIP Code has several names that are considered "acceptable" in Medley. If the name is different from the town or zip code, use the name as your mailing address. Listed below are the population and street numbers for Medley in 2010.

Another reason to visit Medley is the industrial nature of the town. It is surrounded by multiple highways, making it easy for travelers to find jobs in the area. In addition to producing many of the products we use on a daily basis, Medley is also home to hundreds of manufacturing facilities and warehouses. In fact, you can even find family-owned businesses and regional businesses here. So, you'll never go wrong with a trip to Medley.