Niceville, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the population and steets of Niceville City, Florida? Compared to the state average, Niceville has slightly worse life expectancy than Florida's average. There are around 66,411 people living in Niceville City, and the median household income is $34,747. This data is updated every year, as new data becomes available. However, this information should not be relied on for any specific purpose.

In addition to total population size, Niceville City's demographic data also shows the percentage of foreign-born residents. The percentage of non-citizens is low. The median age of non-citizens is 45.6 years old. Niceville's foreign-born population is significantly smaller than the state average, but is still higher than Destin, Florida. For example, Niceville's population is composed primarily of people from Asia.

In addition to the number of residents, Niceville also has the highest percentage of single women. There are approximately 11% of single women living in Niceville, which is lower than its neighbor, Shalimar. The percentage of households with children is also higher than Niceville's. However, single women in Niceville are more likely to be unmarried, and the average family size is 3.3 people.

The USPS designates Niceville as a "city." Residents use the name Niceville, which is the default designation for the city. However, the city is also known by other names, such as "Niceville."