Placida, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Placida, FL, population is made up of 1,064 people. Of that number, 91 people are younger than 20 years of age. This includes both people with and without children. The rest of the population is comprised of people who are at least eighteen years of age. In fact, the population is fairly mixed. The city is home to one race, but there are actually 6 different races represented in the population.

When looking at the population and steets of a city, one thing to keep in mind is the percentage of people who have completed college. This figure should help you understand the diversity of the local workforce and how it differs from the population in the rest of the state. In fact, if you're thinking of moving to Placida, knowing its school enrollment numbers can be helpful. For instance, if you're looking to teach English in a public school, knowing how many children attend that school is important because you'll be able to plan for that as well. In addition, knowing how many people attend college in the area will help you decide which career path to pursue.

Lastly, Placida is also relatively safe, with crime rates lower than the cities surrounding it. The crime rate in Placida is low, with only 14 crimes reported per 100,000 people. This shows that Placida is safer than the rest of the state, but it still doesn't feel particularly safe. However, it doesn't mean that the area is dangerous - crime happens in places where people gather.