Royal Palm Beach, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering how many people live in Royal Palm Beach City, FL, you're not alone. Statistics show that approximately 44% of the city's residents fall below the poverty line. The next largest groups, Hispanics and Blacks, are all below this threshold. While the number of people living in poverty is constantly rising, Royal Palm Beach's poverty rate is actually relatively low compared to the national average.

Demographics can be helpful for real estate research, particularly in areas with large population groups of a particular generation. Royal Palm Beach, Florida, has the second lowest percentage of people under the age of 20. But if you want to know which area of the city is home to retirees, demographics can help you determine which neighborhoods are more likely to have this population demographic. With so many retirees in the city, you can look for retirement communities or areas with a large number of retirees.

In addition to age groups, you can find out the percentage of single women in Royal Palm Beach. The average age of single women in the city is between thirty-five and forty-six. The city has fewer single women than the average for Florida cities, and a larger percentage of married women than the state average. For single men, the city's population is overwhelmingly male, with a percentage of men above forty-five and under-five.