Satellite Bch, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Satellite Beach City? You can find out by visiting this article. This article contains maps and data on the city's population and ethnic composition. To learn more about the city's racial and ethnic makeup, read on. Listed below are some of the city's most prominent residents. You can also use these charts to understand the town's racial diversity.

The population of Satellite Beach is expected to increase by 0.99% per year by 2020, a growth of 2.0% over the last census. The median household income in Satellite Beach is $107,390, with a poverty rate of 4.43%. The median house value in Satellite Beach is $321,900. The median age in the city is 44.3 years old, with 42.8 years for males and 45.7 years for females.