Tangerine, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering what the population and steets are like in Tangerine City, Florida, read on! You'll discover the best way to find out! Population & Steets in Tangerine City, FL - a community in Orange County, Florida

The population of Tangerine is expected to reach 50,000 in 2020. Most residents are over the age of 60, with less than one-third of the population being under the age of 24. The median household income is $60,486 and the average rent is $1,105 per month. The median age is 28.7. There are no public schools in Tangerine. The population is made up of a mix of white and black residents.

The distance between Tangerine City, FL, and the nearest major city is 19. It takes about 32 minutes to commute to work by car, compared to 29 minutes for the rest of the state. Nearly 50% of the population drives to work, and almost half of them does not use public transportation. Another 20 percent of people use taxis to get to work, and walking is not common. A list of local airports and major cities in the area is available.

The largest industries in Tangerine City, FL are manufacturing and retail. These two industries account for about 20% of the town's total workforce. Construction accounts for about 9% of the local workforce, the largest of any career path in Tangerine, FL. Average yearly income in Tangerine is $83,000, nearly $17,000 more than the Florida average and $73,345 nationally. Tangerine is home to a high concentration of highly educated people, and the median age is 35.