Wimauma, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Wimmauma City, Florida, are not the same as those in other cities. The city was founded in 1902 by Captain C.H. Davis, and named after his daughters, Wilma, Maude, and Mary. The town was on a railroad route from Durant, Florida, to Manatee County and Sarasota. The railroad construction began in 1895, and the town was incorporated in 1902. On May 9, 1903, the United States & West Indies Railroad merged with the Florida West Shore Railway to become the Florida West Shore Railroad. The railroad then merged with the Seaboard Air Line Railroad in 1909.

The median property value in Wimauma, FL is $159,600, which is 0.664 times smaller than the national average. In 2019, the median property value in Wimauma, FL grew by 25.4%, from $127,300 to $159,600. Wimauma's homeownership rate is 49.8%, and its median household income is $62,060. The median income is $47,000, which is lower than the national average. Five percent of the population is high school graduates or college dropouts.

The population of Wimauma, FL is composed of Hispanic, White, and Other races. Of these, Hispanics and Whites constitute the majority. While the majority of residents live in the city, there are also pockets of poverty, with some living below the poverty line. These people are mostly employed in service-related industries, while white-collar workers make up the majority of the population.