Zolfo Springs, Florida Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Zofo Springs City is a quick guide to the population statistics of this Florida city. As of the 2010 census, the population of Zolfo Springs was approximately 1,700 people. There is also a Hispanic majority, with 74.7% of the population identifying themselves as Hispanic. These people may be of any race, but are primarily of Hispanic descent.

The percentage of people who live in Zolfo Springs are renters. The rent burden indicates how much of an individual's income is spent on housing. This statistic is particularly useful in estimating housing affordability. Zolfo Springs' rent burden is higher than the average for the state of Florida, which is 34.7%. In comparison, neighboring cities such as South Venice and Sebring have rent burdens that are similar to Zolfo Springs'. In Zolfo Springs, 33.7% of housing units are occupied by renters.

The state of Zolfo has undergone a transformation over the years. It was once a squalid little village with unpainted wooden business houses. Today, it boasts of $125,000 in deposits, but this has been withdrawn from the bank to pay for building materials and improvements to properties. The citizens of Zolfo decided in 1913 that water works were necessary. In fact, they sunk a four-inch well in 1913 at a depth of 465 feet at a cost of $987.

In addition to the Zolfo Drug Company and Cash Grocery Company, the town has several other businesses and services. These include the Zolfo Drug Company, Cash Grocery Company, and Dr. J. B. G. Smith. A neat brick structure near the Collier Building houses a green grocery store and meat market. Last year, thirty-five new homes were built in the town limits.