Arnoldsville, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Arnoldville City, Georgia? If so, then you have come to the right place. In this article, you will learn all about this city and its surrounding areas. You will find the latest statistics and facts on the population of Arnoldsville. This information will help you plan your next trip to Arnoldsville or make a comparison with other cities in the area.

The population density of Arnoldsville is relatively low, with low percentages of noisy groups, college students, and families. As a result, it is a relatively quiet place to live. Unlike many other cities, there is no public transit system in Arnoldsville City. This means that it is more likely for you to drive, walk, or bike. If you're thinking of moving to Arnoldsville, you'll want to know what's available before making a decision.

The population of Arnoldsville, GA is made up of 398 people of various races. About 9.3% of the population is black, while 0.1% is Asian, 1.5% is Hispanic or Latino, and 0.2% is American Indians or Alaska Natives. But despite these minorities, most residents identify as white. And, the city also has some interesting architecture and building projects. The Classic Center is a great place to enjoy live music.

The median household income in Arnoldsville is $22,947. This is middle-class income compared to the rest of Georgia, and equates to $91,788 per year for a family of four. It is worth noting that the population of Arnoldsville contains a number of very wealthy residents. The population of Arnoldsville is made up of different ethnic groups, with the greatest percentage of residents reporting themselves as White. The next most common race is Black. Other important ancestry groups include Irish, and American Indians. The language of choice in Arnoldsville is English, but other important languages include Spanish, French, and Chinese.