Brooklet, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for population and steets information in Brooklet City, GA? If so, you have come to the right place. This page displays information about the population and steets of Brooklet. Brooklet is a town in Brooklet County, Georgia. It is located near Atlanta, GA, and is just 78 miles away. The median home value in Brooklet is $181,800. The median home appreciation over the past 10 years has been 12.3%.

The population density of Brooklet is 165 people per square mile, which is above average for the city. The total number of foreign-born citizens in Brooklet is 1.7%, and the percentage of natural-born citizens is 3.1%. Statesboro has a higher percentage of foreign-born citizens at 4.4%. In terms of number of people per square mile, Brooklet is a bit smaller than Statesboro.

The median age for people living in Brooklet is 29 years old. The median income per capita is $13,946. Brooklet is a small town that is just over a third the size of Georgia. Nonetheless, the city has an excellent school system, and many residents hold advanced degrees. A high school education is essential to a good quality of life in Brooklet. This fact is especially true when you're looking for employment.

A high percentage of the citizens of Brooklet use the internet. More than eighty-three percent of households in Brooklet have an active broadband connection. A quick check of these statistics will give you a better idea of the area's general culture. And, you'll also be surprised to learn that most Brooklet households have broadband Internet. That's about average. If you're not sure whether Brooklet has high-speed internet access, consider visiting the Brooklet city center to make sure you can access the services you need.