Ellaville, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Ellaviville City was compiled by Dr. Smith during his visit to Ellaville, Georgia. The population is now 1659 people, with 605 white children and 1054 black children. The total number of school-age children has increased by 262 since the last census was taken in 1888. There are no idiots or blind children in Ellaville, but there are 57 children who have never attended school.

In the fall of 1891, the Ellaville citizens ordered fruit trees and were waiting for their delivery. The new factory will also plant fruit trees, providing jobs and food for the city's residents. Eventually, the plant will employ a large number of people. In the meantime, the population of the city is sure to rise steadily. A temperance worker named Mrs. C.H. Smith was in the city on Sunday and argued for more government involvement in local affairs.

Last week, Mr. Nat Stewart accepted a position in the U.S. Naval Department. He left for Columbus on Monday. On July 29, a colored farmers convention will be held at the railways leading out of Columbus. On July 29, Gov. Northern and Gov. Bradwell are invited to attend the teachers' institute. Earlier in the week, Mr. W.O. Hicks was in Ellaville and invited residents to attend the closing of the school.