Esom Hill, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is intended to provide an overview of the Population & Steets in Enom Hill City. It is a helpful guide for planning a trip to the area. The list is not exhaustive, but it can give you a good feel for the community. If you would like to know more about the area, read on! Population & Steets in Esom Hill City

The map above shows the racial composition of the city. The colors represent the self-identified racial majority in each area. Darker shades indicate a greater racial majority. The diversity map for the city is also available on the website, and it is a good way to get a sense of how many different races live in the area. Green areas are more diverse, while red areas are less diverse. Diversity is measured as a blend of different races living close together. If an entire neighborhood were all-white, this would be considered lacking in diversity.

The city of Epsom's population grew by 87 percent between 1970 and 1980. This increased its population from 1,469 to 4,767. The town is now the 75th largest city in New Hampshire. A study conducted in 2013 indicated that it was home to the largest concentration of Native Americans in the state. However, the population was only a portion of the city's total in 1970.