Fortson, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Fortsons City, Georgia? Find out here. Population & Steets in Fortson City, Georgia is an important part of the state of Georgia. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Fortson, GA has a total population of 9,077. Of those, 4,548 Fortson residents are women, while 628 residents are men. The median age of Fortson, GA is 38.

Three-bedroom apartments in Fortson, GA are available for rent in 23 rental properties. These units are generally larger than two-bedroom apartments, and they tend to be located in more residential neighborhoods than in urban areas or business districts. 3 bedroom apartments tend to cost more than two-bedroom apartments, and they usually come with higher utility costs. However, they're well worth the price. You'll be able to get the space you need and still stay within your budget.