Hartwell, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In 2019, the median age for all residents of Hartwell, Georgia was 39.1. The median age for native-born citizens was 38, and the median age for foreign-born citizens was 64. The average age of all residents was 41 in 2018. In addition, foreign-born residents were primarily from Mexico, India, and Korea. Hartwell, Georgia is one of the largest cities in Georgia. You can read more about the city's demographics and real estate market trends below.

The early growth of the Hartwell community occurred after World War II. The textile and manufacturing industries flourished. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completed a railroad line between Bowersville and Hartwell in the late 1870s, allowing the town to connect to larger rail systems. A short time later, US Highway 29, an early auto-trail, was completed, allowing more residents to travel by automobile. In addition, the arrival of the boll weevil and the cotton industry caused the city to lose its thriving cotton industry.

According to the United States Census Bureau, 93.2% of workers in Hartwell, GA drove alone to work. Meanwhile, 2.12 percent of workers in Hartwell, GA worked from home. This chart shows the proportion of households using each mode of transportation over time, and uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to highlight differences in smaller means of transportation. Hartwell, GA households are distributed by car ownership buckets. The highest percentage of households in Hartwell, GA own two cars.