Hinesville, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A brief guide on Population & Steets in Hinasville City, Georgia. The census data of this city will give you a quick overview of the population. Hinesville is located southwest of Savannah, Georgia and is a military community. The best months to visit Hinesville include October, April, and November. The least pleasant month is July. Listed below are some important facts about the population of Hinesville.

Age distribution in Hinesville is fairly average. The median age of the residents is 28 years old, which is below the national median of 37.9. Only 3.1% of the population is over 65. In general, the population is younger than the United States. And the median income is slightly higher than the national average. Hinesville has a higher rate of education than the average Georgia city, so it is a good place for students to live.

The population of Hinesville is estimated to increase by about 24% in the next few years. The census data includes both the current population and projected population for 2020. For more information on Hinesville, GA, visit the city's official website. You can view the city's schools, museums, and libraries. All three of these sites will have lists of their addresses and the State in which they're located.

Before 1864, the town was a prosperous area. Hinesville's residents invested in naval stores, a product of pine resin. It also supported numerous plantations that produced cotton, indigo, and rice. Hinesville also had a turbulent Civil War history, with several skirmishes in and around the town. The Seventh Illinois Infantry (which fought in nearby cities Flemington and Midway) had a raid on Hinesville City on December 1. At the time, W. P. L. Girardeau was injured in the raid.