Jesup, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can learn more about the population of Jesup City, Georgia, by looking at the statistics and graphs below. Among other things, you can see the median household income in Jesup City, GA, and the percentage of residents that are employed in the city. The median household income in Jesup is $32,188, making it a relatively prosperous city. In terms of employment, the city has a very low unemployment rate.

The population of Jesup is home to many military members who are now veterans and active-duty servicemen. The city's population has increased steadily since 2010, and is now home to over nine thousand people. Jesup has one of the highest percentages of military personnel who served during the Gulf War (2001-) and other conflicts, and the city has a strong connection to its heritage.

The population of Jesup City, GA is 9.75k, down from 9.814 in 2013. The median household income in Jesup, GA is $36,093, up 10.7% from last year. The majority of residents are White (Non-Hispanic), while Hispanics make up 2.45% of the population. The city is home to a number of other ethnicities and languages, but there are fewer Hispanic residents than other races and ethnicities.

The Jesup area is home to Coastal Pines Technical College and the Wayne County High School. Both were completed in 2002 and are now asbestos-free. Other notable amenities in the area include the Jesup Police Department, the Boys & Girls Club, and the Three Rivers Regional Library System. For business owners in Jesup, Iowa, knowing the demographics of this city is crucial for success.