Keysville, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Keysville, Georgia is 65 people. The highest paid jobs are in Education, Health Care, and Social Assistance. However, there are also many poor people living in Keysville. Below are some statistics for Keysville, GA. Its per capita income is $18,511, which is low compared to the rest of Georgia and the US. For a family of four, that income would be $74,044.

The majority of people living in Keysville, Georgia are white. About 36% of residents have a college degree, while 19.2% have a graduate degree. A few percent of people live below the federal poverty line. However, the number of people in Keysville who are considered poor is growing. The median income in Keysville is $33,533. And if you look at the total number of people who are unemployed, you'll see that only 11.9% of them are in a high-paying position.

The Town of Keysville provides water and sewer services for residents of Keysville. The town's water supply is Keysville Reservoir, which is expected to meet the city's water needs until 2060. This is based on the estimates by the Weldon Cooper Center. Aside from this, there are several other water sources in the area. For example, the town has two springs, and the Keysville Reservoir is located about one-third of the way up the mountain.

The population of Keysville City is quite diverse. The percentage of children under eighteen is slightly higher than the state average, while the percentage of black and Hispanic households is slightly higher than the average. The percentage of households with a bachelor's degree is higher than the state average, while the percentage of those without a college degree is below the state average. However, if you're interested in learning more about Keysville, take a look at the statistics.