Luthersville, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be interested in learning about the Population & Steets in Lutherville City. You can view the full city demographics, including population and gender, by using Luthersville is located in Georgia. It has a population of approximately 6,828 people. As of the most recent census, there are about 463 households, with a median property value of $103,500.

In terms of age, there are few residents under the age of 18, compared to a population of about 60,000. Another important factor to consider is the age range. The population of Luthersville is primarily male; only 7.9% of its citizens is under the age of 18. However, males outnumber females 87.3:4 for every 100 females. The median age in Luthersville is thirty-one years.

If you're looking for a new place to call home, check out the schools in Luthersville, GA. The city is near Atlanta, and has good schools, a local community, and good homes for sale. To get a better idea of the neighborhoods in Luthersville, GA, you can browse the neighborhood page of each school. This page includes the school's name and address. You can also find a map of the surrounding areas and zoom in or out as necessary.