Moody Afb, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the Population & Steets in Mody Afb City, GA, then you've come to the right place. This map is perfect for a variety of purposes, including business and sales catchment area research, relocation, and much more. You can even find the exact location of a school, medical facility, or church, as well as a variety of other locations.

The population density of a Moody Afb city varies greatly, from one in 12 in the south to one in thirteen in the center. Although it may not seem intuitive to compare crime rates within cities of the same size, a simple crime map shows that Moody Afb has a higher crime rate than the average state city. For example, in the center of the city, 32 crimes are committed each year. In contrast, only one crime occurs every year in the south part of the city.

The population of Moody Air Force Base is 886 on-base. Off-base housing options are widely available to military families. Currently, the military housing system is designed to offer the best possible support during relocating. The Moody Family Housing (MFH) complex is one such option. This affordable, flexible community offers 287 single-family homes with an affordable price tag. Residents are welcome of all ages and sizes, and the Moody Family Housing community offers all of these benefits and more.