Resaca, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you live in Resaca City? If so, you probably want to know the Population & Steets of Resaca City. Before moving here, you might not be familiar with the city. If you do, you may be interested in the crime statistics. In Resaca, the crime rate is high compared to other cities in Georgia. There are a few places where Resaca residents and visitors are more vulnerable to crime.

Resaca City has an average population of 544 residents. Despite this relatively small town size, Resaca's population is diverse. Twenty-four percent of residents are under the age of eighteen. Twenty-five percent are between the ages of 18-24, thirty-four percent are between the ages of 25 and forty-four percent are between the ages of 45 and sixty-four. About one-third of residents have a college degree, and over twenty percent have a professional degree.

Resaca is a small town, without public transportation, and no public schools. The per capita income is $20,292 - a low middle-income city compared to the rest of the country. For a family of four, the per capita income is $81,168. Resaca is home to both rich and poor residents. But there is no doubt that Resaca's economic situation is very diverse.