Robins Afb, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets of the City of Robins Afb? The city has a population of 3.46k, with a median age of 43.7. Its median household income is $131,078. The median household income in Robins, IA increased from $129,081 in 2010 to $131,078 in 2019. There are also many different types of health insurance available in the city: 99.3% of Robins's population is covered by employee health insurance, while 4.92% of the population is covered by Medicaid, Medicare, and non-group health insurance. Only 1.3% of residents are hispanic.

The city of Warner Robins is located in a productive agricultural region. Its fortunes were tied to southern cotton culture. However, its economy suffered from genteel poverty for most of its first hundred years. World War II preparations improved its economy, and its economy is now more diverse. Robins Air Force Base is a major industrial complex in the city, which is sixteen miles southwest of Macon. The city's government is composed of a strong mayor and a fifteen-member legislative council.

The population and steets of the Robins Afb city are estimated to be approximately 37,000. That's a bit above the state and national average. If you're looking for an accurate population & steets estimate of the city's residents, then you should check the census data for the area. Compared to the rest of the Georgia, the area's population is about the same size as the state average.