Social Circle, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For those interested in the demographics of a particular area, knowing the Population & Steets in Social Cirlce City, Georgia, may be helpful. The city is located in north-central Georgia near the southern Appalachian Mountains. The city's median age is about 37, and the median age of all people in Social Circle is around 38. The city's population is a mix of native and foreign-born citizens. Foreign-born residents typically come from Mexico, India, or Korea.

The population of Social Circle, GA is 4.45k people, with a median age of 37.6 years and a median household income of $53,538, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The median home value in Social Circle, GA is $139,000, and the median percentage of homeowners is 70%. In Social Circle, GA, the majority of residents commute alone, with an average commute time of 21.9 minutes. In addition, the median household has two cars. Social Circle, GA is home to about 4.45k people, and 2.97% of those people were born outside the country.